
目錄存檔: 博客


第二部分:電暈處理系列我們討論了驅動和壓合電暈處理器。 Figure 3 - Power Supply Diagram 圖3—供電圖




(紙張,膠片和箔轉換行業)宣布2013年度10 篇****文章。詳見如下:克羅地亞 海因在開年之初概述了2012年11種新產品。 2012年的創新主要聚焦在專注于改善包裝行業卷材上膠和覆涂工藝。“上膠”雜志馬克 彌勒在開年之初嘗試讓熟知擠出技術的人們認識流體上膠技術。在其博客。。點擊獲取更多信息

Part 1: Corona Treating for Coating Applications

Maintaining high quality coating on paper, film, metalized film and foil substrates at production line speeds requires a method of enhancing substrate surface energy. Corona treatment promotes bond sites and increases surface energy without sacrificing the positive properties of the substrate. In coating applications, treater system design has undergone significant changes to accommodate lighter webs, higher line speed operation and advanced substrates. The range of developments has included the requirement for handling conductive substrates, nips at the treater roll, using the treater roll as a "pull roll," and modifying the treater station design...

Part 8: Mechanical Design of the Reverse Roll Coater

Reverse Roll Coaters must be of Uncompromised Precision

In Part 7 of this series on reverse roll coating we聽discuss the use of hydraulic force to control Metering Roll Ratio and Capillary Number. The mechanical design of the Reverse Roll Coater must be uncompromised when it comes to precision. Rolls must be made of high strength steel or cast iron of sufficient diameter and wall thickness to provide substantial resistance to the gap separating forces encountered...

Part 7: Using Hydraulic Force to control the Capillary Number and Metering Roll Ratio

In Part 6 we聽discussed the affects of聽non newtonian flow and聽viscoelasticity on reverse roll coating. One other factor affected by both the capillary number and the metering roll ratio is the roll separating force exerted by the coating as it passes through the converging geometry of the metering gap. See Figure 7. This hydraulic force is proportional to the capillary number so it increases with both viscosity and applicator roll speed. At some point, this force can cause the rolls to...

Part 6: Affects of Non Newtonian Flow and Viscoelasticity on Reverse Roll Coating

Non Newtonian Flow vs. Viscoelasticity

In Part 5 we discussed how the metering roll ratio and the capillary number control the position of the wetting line in reverse roll coating. Other complications that are likely to be encountered are the rheological considerations of non Newtonian (typically shear thinning) flow and viscoelasticity. Viscoelasticity occurs when a liquid possesses the ability to extend and relax in response to the application and subsequent removal of a shearing force. It is a liquid possessing a...

Part 5: Controlling the Position of the Wetting Line in Reverse Roll Coating

Metering Roll Ratio vs. Capillary Number to Increase/Decrease the Wetting Line

In Part 4 of this series we discussed how the position of this wetting line affects the ribbing and cascading phenomena in reverse roll coating. The most important factor in controlling the position of the wetting line is the metering roll ratio. The second most important factor influencing the position of the dynamic wetting line is the capillary number of the coating. The capillary number is defined as:


Part 4: 濕涂線位置影響輥筒涂層厚度



Part 3: 影響計量輥上膠不良原因


在該系列第一部分和第二部分我們討論了反轉輥筒上膠模式可以運用在1)被用來上膠各種粘性涂料 2)可以根據需要上膠各種厚度的涂層 3)可以在一個相對廣泛的速度范圍內起作用。嘗試定義局限性通常是一般化,因為其相互之間均獨立的。